Country-Specific System Cost Modelling
Cost modelling. Image : Rob Smith, THINKINGFOCUS


NEA system cost modelling allows determining least cost generation mix and optimal share of nuclear energy in function of different CO2 emission reduction, renewable generation targets and a combination of greenfield and existing brownfield generation mixes. NEA work systematically integrates electricity system modelling with clearly formulated policy objectives and instruments for energy policy-making to attain these objectives.

In co-operation with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Leuven (Belgium), the NEA is making its modelling capabilities available to interested member countries. While the methodology is general, results will depend strongly on the specific situation of each individual member country.

Timelines and deliverables
  • Preparatory Phase: Interactive process (NEA – Member country) of data assembly and formulation of the constraints - three months
  • Modelling Phase: two months
  • Analysis Phase: Interactive process of evaluation of modelling results and development of policy relevant recommendations; Elaboration of summary report – three months

Member countries would be expected to provide voluntary contributions to the NEA in support of the project.

The ultimate deliverable will be a detailed report summarising the modelling effort and providing in-depth analysis of the results, including policy recommendations.
