Roadmaps to New Nuclear 2024

NEA analysis highlights that meeting global net zero targets necessitates a tripling of installed nuclear capacity by 2050. Concurrently, nuclear new build has become a top priority in several OECD and NEA member countries, which now face significant challenges in part due to years of inactivity and evolving policy, industrial, and regulatory contexts. The second high-level conference will convene senior government officials and industry executives to address the challenges of preparing for nuclear new build and share recent experiences to pinpoint solutions to deliver new nuclear construction at the scale and pace required to meet net zero targets.


Government and industry representatives at the first "Roadmaps to New Nuclear" conference in September 2023 in Paris, France. Photo credit: Krystal Kenney for the NEA

Roadmaps to New Nuclear conference, 2024

Following the first Roadmaps to New Nuclear conference, the NEA is supporting members and partners to facilitate a network of government officials and industry leaders on a practical, solutions-oriented basis. This network will help inform policy and investment decisions for new nuclear capacity and the long-term operation (LTO) of existing reactors. The NEA plans to provide a full progress report on these activities for delivery at the second Roadmaps to New Nuclear conference. The 2024 edition will be co-chaired by Swedish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Energy, Business and Industry, Ebba Busch.

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Roadmaps to New Nuclear 2023. Ministers highlight the key role of nuclear energy in achieving the net zero targets.