UCB Kuhn Condensation Test (SET facility)

United States of America
UCB - University of California, Berkeley
Operating years:
Reference reactor:
The purpose of the test was to provide data for film condensation of downward flowing mixtures of steam and non-condensable gases inside vertical tubes to support design of the PCCS for the Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (SBWR).
SET157 picture #1 (PNG) SET157 picture #2 (PNG)

Facility geometry

Test section details:

The test section (condenser tube) was a vertical pipe with downflow of steam and noncondensable. The steam came from the building service steam supply furnished at 0.86 MPa. Condensation occurred as heat was removed from the gaseous mixture through the condenser tube wall (O.D. = 50.8 mm, I.D. = 47.5 mm) by an upward flow of cooling water in the outer annulus. The test section was cooled over a length of 2.418 m.


  • Kuhn, S. Z., Schrock, V. E., and Peterson, P. F., “Final Report of the U.C. Berkeley Single Tube Condensation Studies”, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, UCB-NE-4201, 1994

  • Kuhn, S. Z., Schrock, V. E., and Peterson, P. F., "An investigation of condensation from steam-gas mixtures flowing downward inside a vertical tube," Proc. of NURETH-7, pp. 312-331, 1995.

  • Claudio Delfino, “Assessment of TRACE V.4.190 on the UCB Single Tube Condensation Tests,” Information Systems Laboratories, Inc., ISL-NSAD-TR-05-04, July 2005.

  • Dean Wang, "UCB Kuhn Test Series 3 and 4", ADAMS Accession Number ML06171780160

  • Ilpo K, et al., Condensation in the presence of noncondensable gases


Relevance Phenomenon
Heat Transfer : SG