Hot Leg CCFL Rig, JAERI (SET facility)

JAERI - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Operating years:
Reference reactor:
SET88 picture #1 (PNG)

Experimental conditions

Pressure min:0.1 MPa

Pressure max:0.1 MPa

Facility geometry

Keywords General:

Keywords Steam Separator:

Keywords Others:

Test section details:

The test section is made of acrylic resin to observe the flow pattern in the air/water experiment.

Components details:

The ranges of dimensions of experimental tubes were as follows : diameter D : 0.026-0.076 m, length of horizontal tube H : 0.01-0.4 m, length of inclined riser : 0.038-0.6 m and inclination angle of inclined riser : 40° or 45°. The separator tank has a 0.21 mx0.21 m square cross section and 0.38 m height. A water injection pipe of 0.03 m I. D. is attached at the bottom of the separator tank. The top of the separator tank is open to the atmosphere with a pipe of 0.1 m J.D. The upper space of the measuring tank has a 0.21 m x 0.21 m x 0.21 m cubic shape and an air injection pipe of 0.015 m I. D. is attached at the top of this space. Air is injected from a compressor through a regulation valve and a rotameter. The lower space of the measuring tank has a 0.31 m X 0.31 m rectangular cross section and 1. 0 m height. To measure water levels, both in the separator tank and the lower space of the measuring tank, the level meters are attached at the side wall of each tank.



Relevance Phenomenon
Counter Current Flow Limitation (CCFL)